LA Weekly hits 1 million readers from SEO

LA Weekly hits 1 million readers from SEO 0 + In one month The challenge Driving interest to relevant stories in the LA area has always been the biggest goal for, but SEO hasn’t always been the biggest driver of traffic for them. The approach The SEO team set out to first optimize existing […]
How Data-Driven Content Can Help Startups Generate Revenue

You can get more value from developing data-driven content strategies that tap into user habits than you can just looking up whether your traffic increased or decreased month over month. What is Data-Driven Content Analysis As technology evolves, so does our ability to extract insights from the immense amount of data that is available to […]
A CMO’s Guide to “Your Money Your or Your Life”

As a fintech company, it is important to be aware of the potential legal risks associated with making claims in your content. This is especially true since most fintech startup marketing falls under Google’s “Your Money Your Life” (YMYL) category, which Google’s algorithm is very critical of. What is YMYL Content? YMYL content, or “Your […]
How Startups Beat Bigger Competitors

How startups can beat bigger competitors When we talk with ambitious startup founders, inevitably they ask about one of their large competitors who have been in the space since before dinosaurs were on the earth, and have more budget than Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and the entire Kingdom of Redonda put together. We get it. […]
Digital Wallets Could Cost Banks Billions

The landscape of digital wallets is changing – tech firms are leading the way while banks seem to be lagging behind. Can they still make a play? Or is it too late to catch up to tech like Apple Pay?
Delta 8 Content Helps Real Tested CBD Soar High

New Organic Users Year Over Year + 0 % The challenge Detla 8 CBD was a new product that CBD brands started selling, meaning Real Tested CBD needed to create Delta8 content to help educate consumers. The approach We leveraged scalable content scraping, keyword research, and localized content creation to create a network of pages […]