How to reduce marketing spend without sacrificing performance

reduce marketing spend

Here’s the gist: Start by finding campaigns and channels that aren’t performing, pause underperforming initiatives, then optimize all remaining projects. Cutting costs has become a necessity for corporate survival, especially during a bear market. Since late 2021, executives and finance teams have begun to put the brakes on spending to protect cash flow. The first […]

101 things I learned by launching 3 failed startups (and 1 successful one)

Starting a business is thankless, hard, complicated, and filled with pot holes you’re bound to run into. Coaches and gurus tell you one thing, while investors and influencers tell you the exact opposite. Friends doubt you, family assumes you’re fine, when in reality you probably feel dumb, trapped, and (at times) completely hopeless. If you […]

Why your previous SEO agency sucked at communicating

Most agencies suck at client communication. Odds are, if you’ve worked with more than one SEO agency, you’ve run into this. There’s a few reasons that this happens: 1. Rigid processes that don’t help startups Agencies put in place rigid structure and process that are designed to standardize their operational structure. Operational structure typically includes […]

Why you shouldn’t hire an SEO agency

Look, SEO is important, but should you hire an SEO agency? The answer isn’t always yes. Not every company should hire Crescendo Consulting (or any SEO company for that matter). But when should you hire an SEO agency, and more importantly, when should you say “no?” Signs you shouldn’t hire an SEO agency 1. You […]

How to use Schema to impress VCs and Angel Investors

Schema’s pretty important for a new brand looking to penetrate a market. It’s even more important for Seed stage and Series A stage startups looking to get that next round of funding. Why is Schema important for Seed stage startups? Because when VCs and Angels do their due diligence, one of the things they look […]