Hard truths to know about SEO that other agencies won’t tell you

Is hiring an SEO company worth it? Not always. An SEO company will help match your product and brand to the demand that already exists in a market. SEO is also slower paced, with results sometimes taking up to 60 days. If your app or SaaS product doesn’t have a well established market, or you’re […]

How startup founders can work with investors focused on protecting their downside

Ever since the NFT and Crypto market took a hit earlier this year, investors have taken a step back and took a critical eye to their investment strategies. Now, as Henri Pierre-Jacques (founding partner of Harlem Capital) puts it, startup owners are going to have higher standards to meet to get investments.  So how can […]

Our Failures

Long story short: We screwed up in the beginning. A few times. And we own that. But the best part of making mistakes is learning from them so future customers don’t have to experience the same thing.

Is FTX the new Enron?

Here’s the skinny on what happened to Enron Enron was a Houston-based energy company that filed for bankruptcy in 2001. The company’s failure was due to financial fraud. Enron employees created fake companies and transactions to make the company appear more profitable than it was. This fraud led to the collapse of the company and […]

Fintech content marketing strategies (and examples) that will work in 2023

First things first: defining what we mean by “Fintech Content Marketing” Content marketing is a strategic (and data-driven) approach that focuses on winning (and retaining) high quality customers by creating and distributing relevant (and useful) content. A well-thought-out content marketing strategy for fintech startups will clearly demonstrate why a reader should become their customer. You’ll […]

How to reduce marketing spend without sacrificing performance

reduce marketing spend

Here’s the gist: Start by finding campaigns and channels that aren’t performing, pause underperforming initiatives, then optimize all remaining projects. Cutting costs has become a necessity for corporate survival, especially during a bear market. Since late 2021, executives and finance teams have begun to put the brakes on spending to protect cash flow. The first […]
