CBD Brand Kickstarts SEO Program

SEO services for CBD brands
Organic Traffic
+ 0 %

The challenge

This CBD brand had a website that did not drive many online sales, and did not bring in significant organic traffic. We needed to kick start a long term SEO strategy to build consistent online presence.

The approach

The first step is to make sure the website is technically sound, then optimize the landing pages to match the search queries people were entering into Google to find them.

How we measured success

Keyword rankings are not the end-all be-all. In order to accurately measure progress, we tracked impressions and traffic from SEO.

Breaking down what we did

The strategy

The first step in launching an SEO program is to make sure that search engines can crawl and read the website properly. That means ensuring the pages load correctly and quickly, all the important parts of the website content can be accessed, and that the website content matches what users are searching for. 

The execution

Our SEO team and web development team worked closely to ensure that landing pages were loading quickly and efficiently. 

Landing pages were very thin on content, so the teams worked quickly to both generate SEO specific content and quickly deploy it across the site. 

The results

Organic traffic began to come in quickly for the website, specifically to category and product specific pages. 

Revenue began to come in after 4 months of development, specifically to the pages that were optimized. 

Get the results you want.