Helping this broker/dealer land accredited investors

Rainmaker Securities Marketing
Minimum investment
+ 0 %
Accredited Investors
+ 0 x

The challenge

Rainmaker Securities wanted to increase both the quantity, and the quality of the investors they wanted to add to their investor pool.

The approach

First we needed to secure their brand presence, then build a funnel that targeted the right type of accredited investor.

How we measured success

We needed a tight feedback loop with the intake department to make sure the SQLs (sales qualified leads) were up to snuff.

Breaking down what we did

The strategy

We wanted to create a multi-channel approach that would build upon itself and create highly efficient leads.


Multi channel marketing

We used a combination of SEO, PPC, and social media ads to build a funnel that worked to 10x their minimum investment requirements.  


The execution

The first step was to differentiate their brand from other unrelated but similarly named things that popped up on search results – like the movie with Matt Damon. A combo of schema implementation and branded PPC campaigns helped turn that around. 

Next, discovery and branding campaigns were created on Linked In to build authority where their target audience pays attention. 

Then recapturing leads who lost interest closes the loop and brings down the total cost of acquisition. 

The results

We were able to quickly 10x their pipeline, which allowed them to increase the minimum investment requirements of their prospective investors. 

Get the results you want.