The Biggest Mistakes Lawyers Make When Scaling Their Practice

Scaling a law firm is a complex process, and marketing is crucial to scaling properly, but many lawyers make critical mistakes that end up undercutting the growth they want to see. Here are seven common pitfalls to avoid:

1. Ignoring ROI and Focusing on Vanity Metrics

One of the biggest mistakes is chasing metrics like social media followers or website traffic without considering how these numbers contribute to actual revenue growth.

It’s easy to be impressed (or excited) by big numbers, but they mean little if they don’t translate into clients, as basic as that sounds. Always prioritize metrics that improve both lead quality and client acquisition costs (CAC).

2. Failing to Invest in SEO

Many law firms overlook the long-term benefits of search engine optimization (SEO) in favor of quick wins like paid advertising. While pay-per-click (PPC) ads can drive immediate traffic (and cases), SEO can provide consistent visibility in your local market, more cases, and offer a better return on investment. Especially if used in combination with PPC ads. Neglecting SEO can limit your long-term growth potential.

3. Not Focusing On A Specific Niche

Marketing a specific niche or practice area makes it easier to standout and get higher valued, better quality cases. Why? Clients are more likely to hire specialists, so positioning your firm as an expert in a particular legal field can lead to more revenue per client.

The opposite is also true. If your law firm handles a wide variety of case types, it’ll make it difficult for your firm to stand out.

4. Not Monitoring Client Acquisition Cost (CAC)

As your firm scales, client acquisition costs can spiral out of control if not closely monitored. Spending more to acquire a client than that client is worth can quickly erode your profit margins. Track your CAC against client lifetime value (LTV) to make sure your marketing efforts are efficient and profitable.

5. Relying On Generalist Marketing Agencies

Many law firms make the mistake of hiring marketing agencies that lack experience in the legal industry. These agencies tend to be cheaper, and may offer flashy strategies that sound promising.

The problem is they fail to account for the specific needs of law firms, regulations attorneys need to follow, and the competitive nature of legal service marketing in general.

You’ll end up wasting budget, getting frustrated with the agency, and potentially put you at legal risk.

6. Neglecting Client Reviews and Testimonials

Client trust plays a huge role in law firm growth. Prospective clients often rely on these to make decisions. Not actively seeking or promoting client reviews can lead to missed opportunities and hinder your online reputation.

7. Scaling Without a Plan for Quality Control

Expanding your client base through marketing efforts is great, but if your firm lacks the infrastructure to handle the increased workload efficiently, it can lead to dissatisfaction, lost clients, and poor reviews. Even worse, scaling too quickly without maintaining the quality of service can also lead to potential malpractice complaints. Always make sure your back-end operations, client intake processes, and attorney bandwidth can accommodate growth before ramping up marketing efforts.

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Picture of Jack Treseler

Jack Treseler

Jack is a serial entrepreneur with a decade of experience in marketing finance brands. Jack believes investing and business can be used for good, and loves helping fintech companies scale their business (and their revenue). He's also a fan of pineapple on pizza, but we won't hold that against him.